Thursday, January 2, 2020

Happy Knee Year

Climb every mountain; ford every stream.

Thank you, Rogers and Hammerstein, for encapsulating pretty well where I am right now.

In the midst of an ongoing job hunt, I'm on the mend from a knee replacement. Or, conversely, in the midst of a knee replacement recovery, I'm on the job hunt (so yes, PA Unemployment Compensation Office, I am still actively seeking work as directed, just in case you monitor recipients' social accounts).

The declining status of my right knee necessitated its replacement. This joint has been deteriorating for some time now. I remember trying to navigate London in 2018, when we went to visit Daughter Claire who was studying abroad, and suffering mightily. London is definitely a walking city -- steps to/from the Underground, wandering museums, standing in queues -- and I had a tough time.

I wasn't quite aware of what my specific knee problem was, but shortly after arriving home, I knew I needed to see someone about it.

Turns out, the meniscus was just about gone, worn away to almost nothing. So all that grinding I was feeling was the femur coming into direct contact with the tibia. Ouch, right?

My Osteo guy tried some short-term fixes, a series of gel injections that bought me some time. And they worked, for a bit. But eventually, the deterioration continued apace, and a more permanent solution was needed.

So now, I've got a bionic knee on the right. And might be due one on the left, if that one continues having issues. Oh, the joys of aging.

Spent one night in the hospital recovering -- a first for me, which is a good thing, I guess, to have made it to 57 without ever spending a night in a hospital.

And now, I'm clunking around the house with a walker, sticking to doctor's orders, trying not to be a total pest to the rest of the family and managing my pain as best as possible.

I know Day Two will be better than Day One, and Day Three even better than that. Looking forward to feeling great, regaining my mobility, getting back to my music ministry (currently being paused, can't imagine trying to navigate a pedalboard with my limitations) and returning to full-time work.

I've really had my spirits lifted by the number of family and friends reaching out to see how I'm doing. It means a lot. And my immediate family has been very patient and helpful. Parker, FWIW, won't leave my side.

2019 was not a total annis horribilus for us -- yes, we're watching The Crown on Netflix and loving every episode. But it definitely ended with a whimper.

2020, as I see it now, has nowhere to go but up.

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